Cranleigh Lions Celebrates 50 years!

Cranleigh Lions was charted in 1974, and for the past 50 years, their members have given their time, energy and expertise, raising money for local projects and good causes.
Lions are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Their aim is primarily to support the less fortunate in our community and also support national and international Lions appeals and projects. The members of Cranleigh Lions cover a wide age range with different professions, but all have the same aim, to put something back into the local community.
They work closely with local agencies to identify people in need and provide resources for a number of community projects, throughout the year. They raise money through donations and our events programme. The Easter Egg Hunt, Carnival, Classic Car Show, Bonfire and Fireworks, Christmas Hamper appeal and of course the Santa Sleigh. The running costs for the Lions is paid for by the members themselves so that every penny they raise goes into the local community, Lions appeals and projects.
The Lion year runs from 1st July to 30th June. Last year with the support of their generous sponsors and the local community, Cranleigh Lions provided financial support totalling some £110,000. They are looking forward to another fantastic golden year.
Glebelands has been fortunate to be a recipient of a range of support from Cranleigh Lions over the years; significant funding to build our Beacon Suite for our Mental Health team and welfare support for families and young carers to not only support them when they need it most but to provide some of the nice experiences for students. We thank Cranleigh Lions for their support and tireless fundraising efforts to allow these additional benefits to our students.